Bid Due Date: 12/21/2016, 12:00PM (bid date changed)
Scope: Replacement of 735 seat elementary school
Project Location: 500 Compass Road, Baltimore, Maryland
Size: Approximately 98,000 sq.ft.
Duration: March 2017- July 2018
MBE: 30%, 7% African American Owned, 4% Asian American Owned
Wage Rates: This project is subject to the State of Maryland Prevailing Wage Rates
LEED: Silver
Specifications_Volume 1 (Please note additional Specifications were added in Addendum 1) size 20mb
Specifications _Volume_2 (Please note Additional Specifications were added in Addendum 1) size 5mb
Form of Proposal size .1mb
Prevailing Wage Rates size .1mb
Architectural & Structural Drawings size 113mb
Civil Drawings size 72mb
MEP Drawings size 63mb
Kitchen Drawings size 8mb
Addendum 1 (including Additional Specifications) size 3mb
Addendum 2 (including Bid Date and Time change)
Addendum 3 (including Bid Date change and Drawings) size 16mb
Addendum 4 size 6mb
Addendum 5 size 14mb